[설치] 01.사전준비
01. 사전준비사항
가. 아키텍처 정의
오픈시프트를 설치하기 전에 먼저 어떤 아키텍처로 구성할 지를 결정해야 한다.
예를 들어
- 인터넷이 되는 환경인지 아닌지(제일 중요)
- Private Docker Hub 구축
- Yum Repository 구축
- Git Hub 구축
- DNS 구성
- 마스터 3중화 여부
- etcd를 분리 여부
- 서비스 노드와 인프라 노드 분리 여부
- zone, region 정의
- 서비스 도메인 명(FQDN)
- IaaS 기반 설치 등
다양한 요소를 설치 전에 미리 계획해야 한다.
매뉴얼은 아래와 같은 구성으로 진행할 계획이다.
- 인터넷 불가 환경(disconnected)
- Yum Repository 구축
- 마스터 3중화
- Embedded etcd
- 4node(서비스/인프라 통합) - 서버 부족...
- 별도 DNS 구축
- Docker Hub/Git Hub 구축
- Maven Repository가 필요는 하나 구축에서 제외
호스트 |
IP |
역할(OpenShift) |
Region |
Docker Network |
Open vSwitch Network |
Service |
비고 |
ocpmaster1.ocp.com | |
마스터 |
infra | | |
ocpmaster2.ocp.com | |
마스터 |
infra | | |
ocpmaster3.ocp.com | |
마스터 |
infra | | |
ocpnode1.ocp.com | |
인프라/서비스 노드 |
primary | | |
ocpnode2.ocp.com | |
인프라/서비스 노드 |
primary | | |
ocpnode3.ocp.com | |
인프라/서비스 노드 |
primary | | |
ocpnode4.ocp.com | |
인프라/서비스 노드 (추가노드) |
primary | | |
ocpmgmt.ocp.com | |
HA-Proxy |
infra | | |
ocpdns.ocp.com | |
DNS 배포(설치) Docker Repository |
나. 시스템 요구 사양
External etcd Nodes
다. 사이징 참고
Host | Sizing Recommendation |
Maximum nodes per cluster | 1000 |
Maximum pods per cluster | 120000 |
Maximum pods per nodes | 250 |
Maximum pods per core | 10 |
라. Required Ports
4789 | UDP | Required for SDN communication between pods on separate hosts. |
53 or 8053 | TCP/UDP | Required for DNS resolution of cluster services (SkyDNS). Installations prior to 3.2 or environments upgraded to 3.2 use port 53. New installations will use 8053 by default so that dnsmasq may be configured. |
4789 | UDP | Required for SDN communication between pods on separate hosts. |
443 or 8443 | TCP | Required for node hosts to communicate to the master API, for the node hosts to post back status, to receive tasks, and so on. |
4789 | UDP | Required for SDN communication between pods on separate hosts. |
10250 | TCP | The master proxies to node hosts via the Kubelet for |
In the following table, (L) indicates the marked port is also used in loopback mode, enabling the master to communicate with itself.
In a single-master cluster:
Ports marked with (L) must be open.
Ports not marked with (L) need not be open.
In a multiple-master cluster, all the listed ports must be open.
53 (L) or 8053 (L) | TCP/UDP | Required for DNS resolution of cluster services (SkyDNS). Installations prior to 3.2 or environments upgraded to 3.2 use port 53. New installations will use 8053 by default so that dnsmasq may be configured. |
2049 (L) | TCP/UDP | Required when provisioning an NFS host as part of the installer. |
2379 | TCP | Used for standalone etcd (clustered) to accept changes in state. |
2380 | TCP | etcd requires this port be open between masters for leader election and peering connections when using standalone etcd (clustered). |
4001 (L) | TCP | Used for embedded etcd (non-clustered) to accept changes in state. |
4789 (L) | UDP | Required for SDN communication between pods on separate hosts. |
9000 | TCP | If you choose the |
443 or 8443 | TCP | Required for node hosts to communicate to the master API, for node hosts to post back status, to receive tasks, and so on. |
22 | TCP | Required for SSH by the installer or system administrator. |
53 or 8053 | TCP/UDP | Required for DNS resolution of cluster services (SkyDNS). Installations prior to 3.2 or environments upgraded to 3.2 use port 53. New installations will use 8053 by default so that dnsmasq may be configured. Only required to be internally open on master hosts. |
80 or 443 | TCP | For HTTP/HTTPS use for the router. Required to be externally open on node hosts, especially on nodes running the router. |
1936 | TCP | For router statistics use. Required to be open when running the template router to access statistics, and can be open externally or internally to connections depending on if you want the statistics to be expressed publicly. |
4001 | TCP | For embedded etcd (non-clustered) use. Only required to be internally open on the master host. 4001 is for server-client connections. |
2379 and 2380 | TCP | For standalone etcd use. Only required to be internally open on the master host. 2379 is for server-client connections. 2380 is for server-server connections, and is only required if you have clustered etcd. |
4789 | UDP | For VxLAN use (OpenShift Container Platform SDN). Required only internally on node hosts. |
8443 | TCP | For use by the OpenShift Container Platform web console, shared with the API server. |
10250 | TCP | For use by the Kubelet. Required to be externally open on nodes. |
마. SELinux
오픈시프트를 설치하기 전에 Security-Enhanced Linux(SELinux)가 반드시 활성화 되어 있어야 한다.
/etc/selinux/config 파일에서 다음 항목을 체크한다.
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
# disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these three values:
# targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
# minimum - Modification of targeted policy. Only selected
processes are protected.
# mls - Multi Level Security protection.